How Does Our Money Help Other People?


Everybody wants to have hospitals and schools, and life would be very unpleasant if nobody collected the rubbish, but all these things must be paid for by somebody, and that is us.

Have you ever thought about the impact your spending choices has on other people? We know that our decisions have an impact on ourselves and the way we feel, but how do they impact on those around us, or even those further afield who may still be affected by our part in the supply chain?

Thinking about our spending as people involved in a community can give us fresh ideas about the impact of our decisions. With children, this can, once again, give us a new and interesting context to use in our money problem work in maths. Perhaps considering what being charitable means, or actively taking part in the fund raising we do in schools, will give our children yet another context to hang their understanding on. As a result, children may well grow up with a greater understanding of the wider impact of their spending decisions and choices, and how we all contribute to the services we rely on as part of a community.

Thought for the day: When you were younger, what did you learn about giving money?

Paul Street2 Comments