Collective Worship Resources

Divided into four themes, the Assembly resources cover each of our values: Generosity, Justice, Wisdom and Thankfulness.

For each value there are 5 collective worship outlines for Church schools, with distinctly Christian content.


Generosity is the desire to share what we have with others, our time and talents, as well as our money and possessions. Download resources on Generosity & Money.


Justice is ensuring that all people, especially the poor and oppressed, receive what is fair and right: life, freedom, dignity, and a decent standard of living. Download our resources on Justice & Money.


Wisdom is understanding the consequences of our thoughts, words and actions - an awareness of the true values of things. Download resources on Wisdom & Money.


Thankfulness is an attitude of the heart, acknowledging and enjoying the good things we have been given, including our money and possessions. Download our resources on Thankfulness & Money.